Tuesday, July 31, 2007

T-Minus 1 Month

The lease expires in one month. One month left in Vancouver. It doesn't quite seem long enough to say good-bye to a city we've grown to love, but we're excited to head back nonetheless. While we'll miss Vancouver, we'll be able to use our vacation time for coming back out as opposed to the current situation of using the majority of our vacation time heading back to see the family.

We're getting more and more excited about the roadtrip. Figure it's about 10,000 km from Tofino, BC to St. John's, NFLD then back to T.O., which, over about 30 days, averages out to just over 300 km a day. Shouldn't be a problem for most of the trip while we're on the highway (3 hours a day? what?) and gives us the flexibility to stay for a couple days at certain spots here and there if we want to.

So this is the beginning. In one month, we'll be on the road with the only requirement being "Head sort of east, at least". And while stopping only at Tim Horton's sounds like a Canadian dream come true (inspired by a true story!) I don't think we could take 30 some-odd days of double-doubles and chocolate-glazes (no dental insurance in two weeks!) so don't bother suggesting it.

Stay tuned. I've got one map up with where we currently are (note, this will only be updated when we find somewhere to get online). Colleen's also suggested generating a map with the path we've taken so far. Sounds like a good idea so I'll see how complicated it is and try and get that running.

Downtown Sunrise

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